Devendra Mishra, Conference Chair & MESA

Devendra Mishra,
Conference Chair, HITS &
Chief Strategist, MESA

Devendra has been the president and COO of such companies as, LIVE Entertainment, VCL-Carolco, Lieberman Enterprises, Technicolor Worldwide Media and Distribution, Strawberries Records and Tapes, International Multifoods, Stan lee Media, etc.

At RCA Records, as the Vice President of Worldwide Manufacturing and Distribution, he implemented the revolutionary Hits and Catalog distribution, which became the hallmark of the industry. As president of worldwide new media and distribution services at Technicolor, Mishra strategically developed and launched Technicolor Entertainment Services and also engineered and put into production its first optical media manufacturing facility.

A professor of Decision Sciences at Pepperdine University, he is recognized as an eminent thinker and practitioner of supply chain management.

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