HITS News Headlines

Box announces General Availability of Box KeySafe with AWS KMS (HITS)

Last month, Box announced a new product called Box KeySafe that should help simplify encryption key management, putting it in reach of small to medium sized businesses who require encryption, but want to avoid the complexities associated with Box’s higher end Enterprise Key Management product. This week, Box announced the general availability of Box KeySafe with AWS Key Management Service. The addition of an option with the AWS Key Management Service enables even the smallest IT shops to take advantage of the benefits of Box KeySafe. Box KeySafe works like a safe deposit box, requiring two keys to open…

Box encrypts the file with one key. The customer encrypts it with another they control — and the encryption activity gets logged in an auditable report.

If a customer demands proof that the company has maintained control over the content, it has this data point to show that it has.

Box KeySafe is unique in that it provides:

– Independent Encryption Key Control – Whether to meet contactual needs of clients, to protect sensitive IP, or to meet industry regulations, Box KeySafe enables our customers to own their master encryption key.
– Unchangeable Audit Log – Box KeySafe is designed such that the customer has their own log to audit key usage, one which Box does not have access to.
– No Change in Box End – user Experience – All of this is done transparent to the Box end-user experience. Box’s usability, governance, and mobile experiences do not change with Box KeySafe.